Like many areas of society, we are finding ways to continue to provide the services you may require, such as making a will or lasting power of attorney (LPA). Carole...
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Put your affairs in order this Winter with a Legal Health Check The New Year is upon us and now is a good time to think about those jobs you...
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In this digital age, more and more people are purchasing digital assets which often includes virtual currencies like Bitcoin. It is no surprise then that the question, ‘what happens to...
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The implications of taking sole responsibility in dealing with Probate When you suffer bereavement, it can be difficult to know where to start. Dealing with probate; the legal aspects and...
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Reasons why you should make a Will today There are a number of good reasons to make a Will. Firstly, anyone who owns a property or has savings and investments...
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Put your affairs in order with WSP Solicitors Writing a Will or making a Power of Attorney, putting our affairs in order seems so daunting and easy to put off....
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