Your Will is an essential part of planning for your financial and personal affairs. It guides how your assets will be distributed and how your loved ones will be provided...
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When someone dies without a Will (known as Intestate), their estate is distributed in accordance with certain rules of entitlement, depending on who survives them. Stephanie Hemming, Chartered Legal Executive...
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The purpose of Inheritance Tax planning is to minimise the sums of tax payable to HMRC on your death, so that you can pass as much of your estate as...
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Join Janine Guthrie, Chartered Legal Executive in WSP Solicitors’ Private Client Team for our webinar. Janine will be discussing Lasting Powers of Attorney, Deputy-ships and the dangers and risks associated...
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With over 17 million households in Britain owning at least one pet, providing for our pets after death has become an ever-growing concern for our animal-loving nation. Can I leave...
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A bereavement can be a difficult time and, of course, your first priority is likely to be arranging the funeral and registering the death. However, after you have had a...
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