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A normal Will is made by someone who is over the age of 18 and has mental capacity (testamentary capacity) to understand what it is they are doing, why they are doing it and the consequences of making a Will.
But what happens if you have not got the metal capacity to make a will?
Janine Guthrie, Chartered Legal Executive for WSP Solicitors Wills, Trusts and Probate team explores Statutory Wills and how they can help you in this situation.
A Statutory Will is a Will that is authorised by the Court of Protection on behalf of someone who is unable to make one themselves because they lack mental capacity to do so.
A Statutory Will is necessary where:
A Statutory Will can be made provided that the incapacitated person is over the age of 18, however preparation for a Statutory Will can be started at 17.
An application for a Statutory Will must be made to the Court of Protection. The Court will require an application form, an information form, a mental capacity assessment form and a witness statement as well as supporting documentation including a draft of the proposed Will.
The Court will consider what is in the incapacitated person’s best interests and will consider:
The Court will usually appoint the Official Solicitor to act for the incapacitated person so that they are properly represented.
Approximately 3-6 months from the point the application goes to the Court and depending on the Court’s workload and provided that the application is uncontested.
For more information, please visit our Wills, Trusts and Probate pages found here. You can contact Janine directly, or by filling out the form in the sidebar of this page. Alternatively, you can call us directly on 01453 847200.
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