No one wants to think about what would happen if they were to lose mental capacity so that they could no longer manage their affairs independently. Many assume there is...
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You may or may not be aware that the EPA was replaced in 2007 by the Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). There are two types of LPA, one dealing with...
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‘Awareness of Lasting Powers of Attorney’ is on the increase. People understand that it is preferable to plan now for a point in the future when they cannot manage their...
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Moving into a nursing home, often a taboo subject amongst families and friends, can be a difficult and stressful time. Talking through your options with a legal adviser early on can help protect you, and the ones you love, in the future.
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Have you ever wondered who would look after finances or your home if you were either physically unable to manage them yourself or if you became ill or had an accident and you lost capacity? Having an LPA in place in advance is always advisable and will mean it can be used immediately when needed.
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Accepting to act as an attorney is a major responsibility and can be a daunting task, particularly if you do not know what is expected of you. Before taking up your role as attorney it is therefore important to obtain the right advice and to be aware of all your duties and responsibilities. Read more here.
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