Tax issues you may face when selling a business In most (but by no means all) cases, when selling a business, a seller will want a share sale (the shareholders...
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Tax issues you may face when buying a business For any buyer buying a business, the way the purchase is structured is of paramount importance and should be agreed at...
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The Bribery Act The Bribery Act came into force on 1 July 2011. However, it is only relatively recently that the number of investigations and prosecutions has started to increase...
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Is it time to update your company’s rule book? With several million companies registered at Companies House, the UK’s streets and internet sites are piled high with goods and services....
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Do you really need a solicitor or can you handle your own legal matter? In this digital age where information about most things is readily available, it may be tempting...
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Establishing a new business venture is always exciting. The early days of a bright new future are usually enhanced by the prospect of starting a business with people you know...
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