Civil Litigation News

  • Physical boundaries are not always legal boundaries Often with property transactions purchasers assume the boundaries shown on plans attached to the Deeds or Registered Title show the actual boundaries that...

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  • Is a judgment worth getting?

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    When someone owes you money and your only option left is to issue court proceedings Catherine Green, Litigation Partner, explains what you should consider first; Before starting court proceedings it...

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  • There has been an increase in recent years of claims under the Inheritance Act 1975. The recent well reported case of Ilott v Mitson is a good illustration of the type of claim that can be made under the Act. If you are involved in a dispute over a will or have suspicions over how a will was prepared it is important to contact a contentious probate expert.

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  • In recent years there has been an increase in disputes over wills, which can be partly attributed to wills being drafted at home with ‘will packs’ or through unregulated companies offering will drafting services. In this post Stuart Geach discusses the formal requirements for creating a valid will and what actions can revoke a will.

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  • It may be a surprise to many that the often referred to status of ‘common law spouse’ does not exist in law. It is therefore important that people living together take steps to protect not only their partner’s position but also their own if something untoward should happen to the other.

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  • The cost of litigating

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    Deliberately understating the value of a claim through inventive means in a bid to avoid high issuing fees, even if the avoidance was temporary and the correct fee would be paid later, risks you having the claim struck out. Read more here.

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