The Dream Team are walking for Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA)

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Judi Bonham, Managing Director of WSP Solicitors, and a team of determined women are taking on an incredible challenge to raise £5,000 for Motor Neurone Disease Association.

They are training for the Thames Path Ultra Challenge, a test of endurance that will see them walking 72km on Saturday, 14th September. This journey, which is estimated to take them 18 hours, is about more than just pushing them to their physical limits; it’s about raising awareness and funds for MNDA.

To give now please click  here.

Meet Judi and The Dream Team

“The Dream Team,” is composed of women from local businesses in Gloucestershire. The team includes Hayley Parker, Elaine Warwicker, Kay Hamblin, Kim Whalen-Blake, Bella Chambers, and Judi herself. These women are united by a common goal and are all equally committed to the cause.

Over the past few weeks, Judi has been steadily increasing her walking mileage in preparation for the Ultra Challenge – now regularly walking 30 plus miles as she build up to 40 miles in preparation, plus walking during the week to get more miles in her legs.

The training routine is intense – a weekend cycle of Eat – Walk – Sleep – Repeat.

Despite the aches, pains, blisters and sock rash, everyone is committed to the cause.

You can donate and support the dream team by clicking here.

A Personal Cause: Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

The driving force behind the dream team efforts is their desire to support MNDA. This charity is dedicated to helping those affected by Motor Neurone Disease, a devastating condition that rapidly progresses, attacking the nerves that control movement. People with MND eventually lose the ability to move, talk, and even breathe, as their muscles cease to function. Currently, there is no cure for this fatal disease.

The cause is deeply personal for the dream team.

Kay’s mother, aged 84, is currently living with MND. She lives alone and faces daily struggles with eating and speaking. Watching her mother’s condition deteriorate is heart-breaking for Kay.

Elaine’s uncle also battled MND for four years. He relied on a walking frame for a long time and spent his final months in a wheelchair before passing away in April 2024. These personal connections to the disease fuel the team’s dedication.

How You Can Help

The Dream Team are not just walking for themselves. They are walking for their friends, family members, and everyone affected by MND. The disease impacts over 5,000 adults in the UK at any one time, with a person’s lifetime risk of developing MND being up to 1 in 300.

Your support can make a significant difference. By donating to their cause, you can help motivate the Dream Team to complete their training and conquer the Ultra Challenge. More importantly, your contributions will support the vital work of the MNDA in providing care, conducting research, and advocating for those living with MND.

You can donate and support the Dream Team by clicking here.

Every step they take is a step toward hope and a future where MND no longer claims lives. Let’s cheer them on and contribute to this noble cause.


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    The Dream Team are walking for Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA)