Employment Law Solicitors for Employees

As an employee, you need to know your rights under UK employment law, especially if something has gone wrong between you and your employer. Our employment law solicitors for employees can advise and represent you, ensuring that you are treated fairly.

Get expert help with employment law for employees

Whether you need advice about a potential issue or are looking for help to resolve a problem with your employer, we can provide fast, effective support.

At WSP Solicitors, we know how stressful and confusing employment law issues at work can be. We can offer exceptional legal support with a close personal service so you can be confident your rights are protected while making the process easier on you.

Our employment law expertise

Our employment law advice for employees covers matters including:

  • Settlement agreements
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Constructive dismissal
  • Redundancy
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Discrimination claims
  • Harassment claims
  • Whistleblowing claims
  • TUPE
  • Contracts of employment
  • Parental leave advice
  • Predictable working hours advice
  • Flexible working advice
  • Grievances

Get in touch with our employment law solicitors in Gloucester and Stroud

For friendly, practical employment law advice, please contact your local WSP Solicitors office in Gloucester or Stroud.

If you have a quick question or would like to request a call back, you can also use our simple online enquiry form.

Our employment services for employees

Settlement agreements

Where there is a dispute between you and your employer, or the potential for a future dispute, you may be offered a settlement agreement. While this can offer a fast, cost-effective way to resolve a dispute that may be to your advantage, it is important to be sure that any settlement agreement offered represents a fair deal for you.

Our settlement agreement solicitors can assist with independent advice on a settlement, including whether we think it may be possible to secure a better deal. We can also provide early advice on how to approach settlement negotiations as well as support for settlement negotiations where appropriate.

Unfair dismissal

If you have been dismissed by an employer and feel that their reasons or the process that they followed were unfair, then you may have grounds for an employment claim. Our unfair dismissal solicitors can advise you on whether you may be eligible for a claim and, where so, support you throughout the entire claims process.

Constructive dismissal

If you were forced to quit your job due to your employer’s conduct, then you could have grounds to make a claim for constructive dismissal. Such claims are complicated with a high burden of proof needed to establish that your employer’s treatment of you was such that you had no reasonable option except to resign.

Our constructive dismissal solicitors can provide an objective review of your case, advise on whether a constructive dismissal claim is a realistic option and support you through the claims process.


Being made redundant can be very difficult to deal with, especially if you have concerns about how the process was handled. Should you believe that you were unfairly selected for redundancy, that a proper process was not followed or that your redundancy package was not correctly calculated, you may be able to challenge this.

Our redundancy solicitors can advise on redundancy packages as well as any concerns you may have over the grounds for redundancy or the redundancy process. We can also provide independent legal advice if you have been asked to sign a settlement agreement as part of your redundancy.

Restrictive covenants

Restrictive covenants are a common aspect of employment contracts as well as sometimes being used in other circumstances, such as during dismissal or redundancy. If you have been asked to sign a restrictive covenant or have concerns about the terms of a covenant you have signed, then our employment law solicitors can help with expert advice and representation.

Discrimination claims

Discrimination at work is, sadly, all too common. Knowing what amounts to discrimination is, however, not always straightforward. Our experts in employment law for employees can review your circumstances and advise on whether we believe there are grounds for a discrimination claim. If a successful claim is likely, then we can support you through the claims process and represent you where required.

Harassment claims

Workplace harassment is never acceptable. The right expert support can empower you to challenge such behaviour and, where appropriate, seek compensation. Our employment solicitors can advise on whether certain behaviour could be considered harassment and explain your options. We can assist you in speaking to your employer and, where needed, support you in making an employment claim.

Whistleblowing claims

There are strong legal protections for whistleblowers under UK employment law, but it is a good idea to consult an employment lawyer before becoming a whistleblower. We can advise on the protections and how they apply to your situation, as well as everything else you need to consider before raising concerns.


If the business or part of a business that you work for is sold to a new owner, your employment rights are protected under a law known as the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 or ‘TUPE’. We can provide clear employment law advice for employees in relation to TUPE, helping to ensure that your rights are respected.

Contracts of employment

If you have any concerns about your employment contract or any related documentation, such as an employee handbook, our employment law solicitors can advise you. Where suitable, we can suggest amendments and negotiate with your employer on your behalf.

Parental leave advice

Rights to parental leave are enshrined in UK employment law but, unfortunately, employers do not always respect those rights. Our team can explain your rights and support you through resolving any problems with your employer in relation to maternity or paternity leave.

Predictable working hours advice

If your working hours do not follow a predictable pattern, then you have the right to request more predictable working hours. We can review your current hours and advise on whether a request would be appropriate, then guide you through the process of making a predictable working hours request.

Flexible working advice

All employees now have the right to request flexible working from the first day of their employment. We can advise employees on their flexible working rights and how to make a request, as well as offering support for any problems that arise, such as an employer refusing a request.


Raising a grievance with your employer can be a daunting prospect, so having the right expert support can make all the difference. Our employment lawyers for employees can advise on the right way to raise a grievance, support you through the grievance process and advise on whether the outcome of such a process is fair.

Why to choose us for employment law advice for employees

Detailed knowledge of UK employment law

With decades of legal experience across our team, we have strong expertise covering the full range of UK employment law issues. As such, we can provide immediate, practical support for even the most complex matters.

Realistic advice and robust representation

Given how complicated employment law issues can be, it is important to get clear, early advice about your rights and the likely outcome of any action you take. Our employment lawyers can provide an honest assessment of your position and, where required, firm representation to make sure you get the best available outcome.

Transparent pricing

As an employee, the cost of getting legal advice may be a concern. Our employment solicitors will provide clear, upfront information about our pricing, including whether we can help you on a fixed cost basis.

Employment Tribunal – Individuals
Complexity of Case Our Fee Range Our Fees for attending a Tribunal/Court hearing (per day)
Simple Case £5,000 to £8,000 (plus VAT at 20%) £1,500 (plus VAT at 20%)
Medium complexity Case £8,000 to £15,000 (plus VAT at 20%) £1,850 (plus VAT at 20%)
High complexity Case £15,000 to £20,000 (plus VAT at 20%) £2,500 (plus VAT at 20%)

Get in touch with our employment law solicitors in Gloucester and Stroud

For friendly, practical employment law advice, please contact your local WSP Solicitors office in Gloucester or Stroud.

If you have a quick question or would like to request a call back, you can also use our simple online enquiry form.

Please be aware that we do not offer a free advice service for litigation matters. After speaking with you to determine the best approach we will offer a fixed fee quote or signpost to another service such as the Citizens Advice Bureau where applicable


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    I have nothing but praise for all of the people I have dealt with over the years. Nothing has been too much trouble and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.
    P. Browne
    A very thorough and professional company. Always found staff to be very approachable, helpful and very clear in their explanations of all options available to me. Would strongly recommend WSP.
    D. Maton
    WSP is the one-stop superstore for all your legal requirements. It is staffed with friendly, professional and expert people who are a pleasure to deal with. As a long term user of the company I always recommend WSP to all of my friends based on my own happy experience.
    D. Wilkins